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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kinda sick this few days.

I'm having a very bad flu, sore throat and feels so tired. I've been sick for 2 weeks plus or even more then that. Not just flu and sore throat but I'm having gastric pain too.
What is wrong with my body??

No matter what I do, I'll feel very uncomfortable with it. I've tried to entertain myself with games and TV show but none of them works right. I will have a very strange feeling when I'm playing game or watching TV.
This isn't normal right? Not sure about that but I don't think it's normal to feel this way.

Maybe I should make myself sleep at a normal time so I won't fell adnormal -
(it's just a joke, it has no logic at all). =)

xiiaoolin blogged on 3/11/2009 04:47:00 AM


Thursday, February 26, 2009

This afternoon I found a secret which not much people knows and most people won't actually wanted to believe this. After I've discover this secret I then have a very uncomfortable feeling that actually we had been cheated for so many years since 1969.

The secret is ....... NO ONE HAS EVER WENT TO THE MOON BEFORE!!! NOT A SINGLE PERSON!!! The government officials has already admitted that it was all a hoax.

Found some Evidence videos. Don't believe me?? I can't even believe it too. Watch these video and you will understand. Watch the video from the link below too (it has more evidence).

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

xiiaoolin blogged on 2/26/2009 05:06:00 AM


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Planing our trip
Angelia and I has planed to go out today since yesterday night but until this afternoon we are still not sure where should we go so we decided to meet up first and we decide later. Before meeting each other, Angelia went to her mom's shop to pass her something so I came down a bit later then her and wait for her to return back. It was around 4.45pm when I went down and it was raining so heavily that Angelia was unable to come back.
(So unlucky lo, why should it rain when we are going out and why don't it rain when we are not going out?)
We decided to wait for the rain to stop. She came back at 5.10pm when the rain is not that heavy and we sat at the void deck to discuss where should we go.

After all we decided to go to AMK hub and it's already 5.50pm when we made our final decision.
The rain stop before we have our decision. That's a good thing. =)

Cathay AMK
The first place we go when we reach AMK is Cathay. Actually we was planing to look for Desmond but I don't think he's around, we saw Halil instead. It has been 1 year plus already since I last saw him at The Cathay. I think he's now a Assistant Theater Manager(ATM) already or a Theater Manager, not very sure about that actually.

Saw James also but I'm sure that he's a ATM now. All has already promoted, if I didn't leave at that time I think I'm also a manager now.

Looking for a present
Angelia is looking for a present for her friend's birthday. We look around and not sure what to buy for her. Angelia was planing to buy a key pendent for her since it's her 21th birthday but all those pendent we saw it's either too expensive or it's no very nice.

Shop for some other stuff too but still not very suitable. After all she has make a decision, she decided to buy either a Wine or a Champaign but she's not buying today. She plan to buy it later after she ask Jason for his opinion.

Bought some stuff too but I'm not going to say what it is until it's time to say it.

Our dinner
We are not sure what to have for our dinner yet ant it's going to 8pm soon. We actually wanted to go somewhere else to have our dinner but on our way to the car park, we saw this advertisement for a Japanese fast-food Restaurant, don't remember it's name already. It's some where near the Cash Converter. So we went there to have our dinner. Before going, Angelia went to extent her parking coupon. I wait for her at a shop near the car park to see some stuff and I bought the thing I mention above at that shop.

We both ate Katsudon for our dinner at only $2.90(excluding GST) for a set which include appetizer, miso soup, fruits and free flow of green tea. Cheap right? It's worthy because we both can't even finish the rice it's actually the normal size of Katsudon you eat outside but it's so much cheaper then what you buy outside.

The bad thing is their service SUCKS. The waitress there talk so impolitely when she was taking her order. She talks in a way like "ai chap bo chap" or I can say the "sian sian face".
Let's not talk about the waitress now, normally at a restaurant, you take order from your table and at a fast food restaurant, you take your order at the counter am I right? BUT..... this restaurant take your order at your table and the the waitress will ask you to pay your bills at the counter after she has taken your order. We were like "huh? Why is it like this?" so we pause there for a second and the waitress was standing by our table waiting for us to pay up NOW!! What the hell!! What kind of service is that?? Waitress is so damn fucking attitude and what a stupid idea of ordering your food. I might as well go to the counter straight and take my order there. Anyway the food is cheap what should I expect??

NOTE: It's only Katsudon for $2.90, other dishes is about $3.90-$5.90.

Reaching home
Went home after dinner, not straight home actually.. We sat at the void deck to chat for awhile and went to Angelia's house after that because she wants to go to the washroom. Awhile later Angelia and her sister went to my house and play Mahjong's with me and Mei. Ben came too after his work so he join in instead of Mei playing. She got to go school tomorrow so she can't stay up late. Angelia's mom came up too... We were just playing for fun with no gambling. 好孩子不赌博的(Good kids don't gamble)。

They went home at around mid-night and I accompany Ben for his dinner after they went home. After his dinner, we went home too.

I really enjoy myself today. It's really fun to spend time with you!! Thanks Angelia =)

xiiaoolin blogged on 2/12/2009 01:06:00 AM


Thursday, February 5, 2009

My dog... Milo!!

Milo is a mischievous but cute dog, he will be so friendly to those people he likes but will be very aggressive to those he don't like.

Which kind of people he don't like??
He hate kids(age 3-10) and he don't like most of the old people.

Why he hate kids?
He thought all of the kids is like my brother so no matter how once kids is trying to touch him he will show out his teeth. I'm not very sure why he hate my brother so much maybe it's because we pampered my brother too much or maybe my brother keeps on bullying him.

Why he don't like older people?
I don't know. Whenever I bring him down for a walk and we saw old people he will always rush to them fiercely or bark at them. Maybe he is scared of them but why? I'm also not very sure.

These are some picture of him which is taken by Meimei and me.
Sleeping on my bed so comfortably

He loves to sleep in the blanket(so cosy)

Waiting for someone to come home

He will always sit on the coffee table
(more cooling)

My brother disturbing him

Sleep at the center of my bed!!
No matter how I push him he will still come back!!
How am I going to sleep???


So EMO!!

So fierce


Wants to play!!

On the coffee table again!!

Burberry shirt bought my Mimi

Wants to go for a walk

Playing soccer??
With mouth?? lolx

Having snacks

Hugging Mr Bean's bear

Bleah!! :P

xiiaoolin blogged on 2/05/2009 02:55:00 AM


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fifth day of Chinese New Year

Went to Mimi's husband's shop yesterday because Mei and her Lion Dance Troupe came to perform there. The lion head was being played by Yida(Mei's boyfriend) and Mei was playing the Cymbals(buah). Here are the videos of their lion dance yesterday.

Oh My God!! If one day Daddy gonna see this post in my blog, Mei's gonna get it from him because he doesn't allow her to join lion dance due to the old times only Ah Lian join lion dance.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


After the lion dance they had their lunch there and after they went off we sat there for awhile then we went to Ikea Queensway for some shopping. We bought a side-table for $9.90(quiet nice but too bad no picture), some towels and a dustbin. After that we went outside to eat the Ikea's hot dog. I ate the hot dog without the bun because I can't take any carbohydrate now and Roy ate the Ice-cream there.

After eating we went opposite to Anchorpoint then to Queensway Shopping Center. Bought a 8GB memory stick for PSP at Queensway SC.

Finish shopping, we took a cab back to uncle's(Mimi's husband) shop to had our dinner and the picture below was our dinner that day.

Actually there is another video about the shopping at Ikea but Roy says it's too embrassing to put it up so I didn't post the video.

xiiaoolin blogged on 2/01/2009 01:27:00 AM


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Preparing Ngor Hiang for Chinese New Year

I went to grandma's house this afternoon to prepare Ngor Hiang(五香) for our Reunion dinner on this Sunday. We warp it, steam it and then fried it but we'll fried it on Sunday afternoon because if we fried now it will not be tasty by then. This is a video of how we prepare the Ngor Hiang.
Guess who's that warping???

It's mei mei!! A lot right? I also got help out okie I warp a lot too! All these are for New Year Eve, 1st day of CNY and 2nd day of CNY! 3 days leh! The video can't see faces right because mei mei don't want to be film at first so I promise not to film her face then she let me film de.. :)

We will eat this only on once a year!! I actually love all these New Year food because it's so tasty and we seldom can eat it, those selling at the hawker can't even compare to my grandma's.

Every year we'll have Ngor Hiang at Mimi's side and for my dad's side we'll have bamboo shoots. The bamboo shoots is also damn nice to eat but not a lot of people dare or like to eat it. My grandpa has a secret recipe to prepare and cook it. Mimi is cooking the bamboo shoot this year and I was actually planing to bring some to my grandpa's place to compare the different. Am I very bad to do so?? I just wanna see whether Mimi's bamboo shoots can taste at least 80% like my grandpa's.

We went home at 8pm and after we went home we watch TV(ch8) till 10pm and we went to Toa Payoh Central's NTUC for some food and drinks for Sunday and CNY.

Why so late??
Mimi says it will be feel different to shop at night and only CNY the supermarket will then open till so late at night.

Why NTUC not Shop&Save?? Shop&Save is always 24hr.
Because Mimi has $200 NTUC voucher!!

We went to the NTUC near the Entertainment Center, it's not that crowded as the one at the Interchange. Mimi's husband(my step-dad) just came from that NTUC and he says that it was so crowded over there. Bought lots of things today. We finish shopping at around midnight so we decided to take bus home since it's still early. We miss one bus when we reach the bus-stop so we just wait for another. While we were waiting, Mimi's husband call us to take cab home and he and his friend take the bus. Mimi and boy was so happy to hear that they can take a cab. So we took a cab home!!

After reaching home I meet Ben for a drink at the coffee shop for awhile and that all for my day. So tired but happy =)

xiiaoolin blogged on 1/24/2009 03:42:00 AM


Friday, January 16, 2009

A way to go on diet

Happens to saw a diet formula on a forum today and don't really know whether does it work or not. The formula is from a programme by Jean Yip and it says that the 1st week you can only eat meat, 2nd you can eat meat and vegetables, 3rd week you can eat meat, vegetables and fruits, 4th week you can eat meat vegetables, fruits and rice.

(The meat eating meals can use for the 1st week only please don't try more than a week, cant really imagine the consequences.)

Someone says that "never eat protein with carbohydrates" they said the carbohydrates will 'wrap' the meat and make it hard to digest and turn into fats. So either you eat rice with vegetables or meat with vegetables. Better don't eat meat with rice, flour or potato. If you want to go on diet better don't eat the combinations of all these below


Sandwiches with meat
Luncheon meat with potatoes
Fried rice

Meat Porridge
Chicken Rice
Pies Burger

Actually Sushi is OK only if you eat those with only vegetables. REMEMBER eggs also contain proteins.

Wah ... If I really follow these saying then it looks like every food that I love I can't eat anymore!!

Don't know is this saying true or false but heard from quite a lot of people saying that proteins can't mix with carbohydrates. If you believe you can try, if you don't then you can just follow the way you like.

xiiaoolin blogged on 1/16/2009 02:52:00 AM


Monday, January 5, 2009

Pankun and James went Farming

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

xiiaoolin blogged on 1/05/2009 05:51:00 AM


Pankun's PE lesson

Part 1

Part 2

xiiaoolin blogged on 1/05/2009 05:44:00 AM


Punkun went to Dinosaur's Museum
(so cute)

xiiaoolin blogged on 1/05/2009 05:22:00 AM



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Pankun & James

⇒ Punkun went farming.
⇒ Pankun's PE lesson.
⇒ Dinosaur's Museum.

⇒ Episode 1.
⇒ Episode 2.
⇒ Episode 3.
⇒ Episode 4.
⇒ Episode 5.
⇒ Episode 6.
⇒ Episode 7.
⇒ Episode 8.
⇒ Episode 9.



My Favorites.

⇒ My Favorite Music Video.
⇒ Qing Yi Lion Dance.
⇒ Spirit of Tua Li Ah Pek.
⇒ A way to go on diet.
⇒ My handphone's theme.
⇒ At grandma's house.
⇒ My Pinky room.


November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009



It's Dear Dear and Me

xiiaooLin aka Joyce.
29 September 1988.
Loves Pink.



wish upon a star.

- GPA of 3.5 and above for first term.

- Maintaing my GPA for the final term.

- NITEC Cert.

- Higher NITEC Cert.

- Learn Mortuary makeup.

- Diploma.

- Buy a new pink phone.
(LG KU990 viewty)

- Buy a RED computer desk.

- Put my TV back to my room. (no space le)

- Buy a small pink wordrobe.

- Buy a headphone for my computer.

- Back to school.

- Get a job.

- Slim down.

- Slim down more.

- Slim down to 52kg.

- Slim down to 49kg.

- Slim down to 45kg.




Dong Dong.


Fu Yu.




Jing Kai.
Jun En.


Lai Qing.
Li Hua.




Xia Xue.
Xue Ying.

Yan Hao.
Yi Da.
Yew Loong.
Yu Ai.
Yue Feng.



designer: xiiaoolin